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Public endpoints

**NOTE** This API specification is still under heavy development. Follow CryptFolio Updates to stay in the loop.

All of these endpoints can be requested directly or through OAuth2. (In the future, authentication through OAuth2 will give you higher request limits.)


GET /api/currencies latest

Lists all known currencies. (example)

GET /api/currencies
  "success": true,
  "time": 1512697998,
  "result": {
    "count": 646,
    "currencies": [{
      "id": 1,                # Unique currency ID, immutable
      "code": "btc",          # Unique currency code, mutable
      "title": "Bitcoin",
      "created_at": "2017-11-06T04:54:54+00:00",
      "updated_at": "2017-11-23T23:01:44+00:00",
      "is_cryptocurrency": true,
      "is_fiat": false,
      "is_ethereum_token": false,
      "ethereum_contract_address": null,
      "source": null
    }, {

GET /api/currencies/CODE latest

Get the information about a currency. (example)

GET /api/currencies/btc
  "success": true,
  "time": 1512697998,
  "result": {
    "id": 1,                # Unique currency ID, immutable
    "code": "btc",          # Unique currency code, mutable
    "title": "Bitcoin",
    "created_at": "2017-11-06T04:54:54+00:00",
    "updated_at": "2017-11-23T23:01:44+00:00",
    "is_cryptocurrency": true,
    "is_fiat": false,
    "is_ethereum_token": false,
    "ethereum_contract_address": null,
    "source": null

GET /api/currencies/CODE/exchanges coming soon

List all exchanges that trade that currency.

GET /api/currencies/cryptocurrencies latest

Lists all known cryptocurrencies. (example)

GET /api/currencies/fiat latest

Lists all known fiat currencies. (example)

GET /api/currencies/tokens latest

Lists all known Ethereum tokens. (example)


GET /api/exchanges coming soon

Lists all known exchanges.

GET /api/exchanges/KEY coming soon

List information, exchange pairs, and current rates from a particular exchange.

GET /api/exchanges/bitstamp

GET /api/exchanges/KEY/CURRENCY1/CURRENCY2 coming soon

Lists historical rates for a particular currency pair on an exchange.

GET /api/exchanges/bitstamp/btc/usd


GET /api/sources coming soon

List all known data sources.

GET /api/source/KEY coming soon

List information about a given data source key.

Site information

GET /api/status latest

Lists site status, as published at status.cryptfolio.com. (example)

GET /api/status
  "success": true,
  "time": 1512697998,
  "result": {
    "ok": [